clashes in the south of Kyrgyzstan as a result of which according to some sources
hundreds of civilians died, and according to other sources – thousands of victims
died, require decisive and immediate intervention.
The reasons
which have ruined the everyday lives of people in Kyrgyzstan should be
thoroughly investigated. However, the Kyrgyz Interim Government headed by
Acting president Mrs. Rosa Otunbaeva bears direct responsibility for the ruined
fates of thousands of people in this country.
what is taking place in Osh and Djalalabad regions of Kyrgyzstan requires
immediate military intervention because the law enforcement bodies and the
Armed Forces of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan have not only recognized that they
are paralyzed by the situation, but also some of their representatives have
taken part in some parts of the ethnic cleansing.
We call
on the United Nations Organization to pass a decision on sending peacekeeping
forces to the conflict area. We also call on the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan
and the Northern Alliance Treaty Organization to take all possible measures,
including military means, in order to stop those illegal paramilitary groups
which have exterminated the civilian population.
We think that the current situation in Kyrgyzstan also requires immediate introduction of another international mechanism – a peace enforcement operation. A peace enforcement operation according to the UN
documents, has "two forms: without applying armed forces (economic, legal, and financial
sanctions) and with application of armed forces (of the UN peacekeeping forces,
regional inter-governmental organizations, and coalition of states).
By definition the peace enforcement operations should
not necessarily be built on the consent of the conflicting parties. During
peace enforcement operations arms and military machines are used not only for
self-protection, but also for destroying military facilities, infrastructure and
armed groups (including illegal paramilitary groups, bandits and the like)
which impede localization of the conflict, its regulation and solution. Such operations
are carried out in accordance with section 7 of the UN Charter which reserve
forced measures sanctioned and supervised by the UN Security Council”.
We also
stress the first and foremost role of the territorial enclaves of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan
and Tajikistan in raising the propensity to conflicting between those
countries. This makes it necessary for the involved parties to seek for the ways
of effective legal regulation of the statuses of those national enclaves in the
post-conflict peace-building period in Kyrgyzstan. Moreover, it is impossible
to ignore the role of the local community institutions, such as mahalla, aksakals or elderly people, esteemed leaders of the local civil
society institutes in securing measures on not allowing the local conflicts
grow into armed conflicts and localizing the scales of such conflicts if they
occur in the future.
believe that the events in neighboring Kyrgyzstan will be thoroughly studied
and investigated by the international community. It is unallowable to let those
events detonate and bring to a chain reaction in other regions of the Central
June 13 2010
List of persons and
organizations supporting and signing this statement:
Expert Working Group – Uzbekistan represented by its Coordinator Sukhrobjon
Ismoilov, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The EWG is a non-governmental non-commercial
network of ten independent Uzbek experts who are interested in the issues of
law, public interests, fundamental human rights and freedoms, rule of law,
democracy and market economy.
Rabbimov – an independent political scientist and analyst, Sable, France
Uzakov - an independent political scientist and analyst, Gemert, Nederland
present statement is open for signatures by the civil society representatives
both in and outside Uzbekistan. If you wish to sign it you can do so by
emailing the EWG at or
using "Human Rights in Central Asia” electronic list-serv. at,
The UN peacekeeping forces are made of the armed forces
of the States-members of the UN, which are allocated in accordance with the UN
Charter in order to prevent and liquidate threats to peace and security by
joint forced operations (military demonstration, blockade, and etc.), in case
measures of economic and political character haven’t or won’t bear any results.
A decision on creation, composition and application and financing the UN
peacekeeping forces is made by the UN Security Council. The strategic
management over the activities of the UN peacekeeping forces is carried out by
the Military-staff Committee. Section 7 of the UN Charter it titled: "Actions
against threats to peace, violation of peace and acts of aggression”. Section 6
of the Charter covers peaceful regulation of conflicts. Section 7 stipulates
that the UN Security Council can sanction the peacekeeping forces to take
measures "for implementation of its decisions” in case of threats to peace,
violation of peace and acts of aggression – Authors